In November, the international exhibition SIAL 2022 was held in Paris. Food industry enterprises from all over the world presented their achievements. The Solbritt plant also had its own stand at the exhibition.
It was very important for us to participate in this exhibition. After all, manufacturers from all over the world were represented there, as well as representatives of retail chains and other companies interested in buying our products. Our factory and its trademark NUPPI interested many visitors of the exhibition. The booth was visited by guests from Colombia, the United Arab Emirates, Vietnam, Libya, Algeria. Among them were both our partners and those with whom we hope to build long-term and fruitful relationships.
We were very pleased that our infant milk formulas aroused great interest in the countries of Western Asia. We hope that in the near future we will be able to significantly expand the geography of deliveries. The SIAL Paris 2022 exhibition was very successful and informative for our plant.
We have not only established new trade relations and strengthened existing ones. We also managed to learn a lot of new and interesting things about modern trends in the food industry. Our employees, who represented the Solbritt plant at the exhibition, spent time with benefit and pleasure.
We are grateful to everyone who visited our booth and participated in the discussion. We hope that in the future our participation in international exhibitions will be more and more fruitful.