Our factory strives to make its products not only convenient to use. First of all, we are concerned about its usefulness and safety. Therefore, we pay great attention to the certification of our formula milk brands and the production process. This not only allows us to sell the formulas we produce worldwide. Also, various certificates confirm that our products are safe according to a variety of criteria. We are proud of this – and we consider our pride well-deserved. After all, our baby milk is designed for very small consumers, which means that their quality must be extremely high.
We are proud that our company is certified according to HACCP, ISO 9001:2015, GMP, HALAL standards. In whatever region you live, our products are considered acceptable for children and of high quality. Neither local standards nor religious prohibitions will prevent the distribution of Solbritt factory products.
The production lines of our factory comply with EU regulations. The quality management system is certified by DNV according to ISO 9001:2015 standards. And even the milk we use for production comes only from certified farms. Thus, we have quality certificates at almost every stage of production.
In accordance with international standards, we carry out multi-stage quality control. To do this, we have our own laboratories and highly professional specialists. Therefore, our plant has easily received international quality certificates. Solbritt products meet the quality requirements of Estonia, the EU, and Arab countries.
In addition, our production does not pollute the environment. We use only “green energy" and pay great attention to the environmental friendliness of the production itself.